How Can I Get My Child to Brush Their Teeth?

How Can I Get My Child to Brush Their Teeth

Tooth brushing is necessary for dental care, but it can be tough to get kids, especially the reluctant ones! This blog post will share some ideas for fun and easy ways to encourage your child’s love affair with toothpaste.

Help Kids Know What to Expect

Tooth brushing is a sweet experience for children. To help your little one brush his teeth, get them to chew on the toothbrush with no toothpaste, so they’re used to having something in their mouth and figure out what that feels like when you do it too!

Make Sure Your Kids See You Brush and Floss

Children indeed learn by watching their parents, but many factors are at play. The idea behind “learning from watching” often rings true in our experience; it seems like most kids get the message after seeing their parents do so.

Brush Each Other’s Teeth

Why not try it simultaneously? Brush your child’s teeth and watch as they react with fascination! You could be doing them a favour by distracting them. An excellent way to get this routine started might be a distraction; let’s put on some music or show him an animal movie while we brush so that they are distracted enough not to feel anything besides curiosity about what will happen next in their brushing experience.

Make Brushing a game

Toothbrushing can be boring for kids, but why not turn it into an interactive game? Please have your child check their mouth to see any plaque.

Have a ‘Play Toothbrush’ for your Child’s Toys

Get your child involved in other activities to make brushing teeth fun and a rewarding experience. For instance, if you have them play pretend with toys while they brush their teeth, it will be much easier for them!

Give your Child Options

When your child is in charge of choosing their toothbrush, it’s a great idea to let them. If you’re struggling to find one that they’ll be ok with, start by using just wet brushes until they become more confident brushing! A lot can happen when kids get creative control over their hygiene routine; this will motivate even reluctant little ones to achieve perfect oral health every day.

Sing a Toothbrushing Song

Tooth brushing songs is an excellent way to help your child brush their teeth and make bedtime easier. The song will not only strengthen them, but it’ll also give you some freedom in what’s probably a tedious task!

Use the Dentists as a Backup

We all know how important it is to stay positive in the face of adversity, which can be a challenge for parents! We suggest saying things like, “Remember what your dentist said about needing an extra cleaning? This spot needs some work before you have any more toothaches or problems again,” but always make sure that everything comes out sounding encouraging. When giving advice and help tips on maintaining our dental health, never lose sight of positivity even if times get tough.

Clean your child’s teeth, and they’ll be happy. It is always a struggle getting children to brush their own, but not anymore! Now you can make it easier for them with this blog post about nighttime routines in general, as well as our helpful tips on how best to handle bedtime without fighting tooth decay or bad breath issues while still giving your little one enough rest.

Root Canals in Wallington

Root Canals in Wallington

Root Canals are a great way to avoid extractions and save you time and money! With Wallington Smiles’, your teeth will be saved in no time. Our specialists are here for our customers who need Root Canal treatments on their damaged or diseased tooths. The specialists at our dentist offer experienced professionals who work hard every day striving towards excellence so that all patients receive excellent care when visiting us and are provided with trusted advice about their dental health.

Reasons for a Root Canal Treatment

Dental pain is no laughing matter, especially if you need a Root Canal. Let us help! We understand how difficult this time can be, and our team will be with you every step of the way as we make sure your tooth gets adequately treated so that any infection doesn’t spread inside or outside dental anatomy. The Endodontic procedure opens up one side, which removes all pain-inhibiting elements around its outer edge before filling spaces within the bone.

You don’t need to be Worried

Root Canals are a necessary procedure for many people, and our team will do everything in their power to make sure the experience is as smooth and painless as possible! Our expert dentists explain why Root Canal treatments matter so much and how important it is to intervene at just the right time/place. We take care of all your needs here because you deserve nothing but excellence!

Root canal treatment is a general dental procedure. It can be safely done without any significant side effects or complications, but there are some risks involved if you don’t take care during operations, like discomfort after the event; however, these should not outweigh whatever short term pain patients feel since they do not have long-term, lasting problems either way!

Is it Painful?

Wallington Smiles can answer any questions that you may have about Root Canals. We offer local anaesthesia during your procedure, and all treatments are completed in the comfort of our dentistry with tooth-coloured fillings which will not stain or cause sensitivity.

Are you wondering if you need Root Canal treatment? Don’t worry; our experts will make sure that this procedure is painless. They’ve been trained extensively on handling each patient individually and using techniques only accessible through experience, which means there’s no need for any discomfort at home!

Check out this review we have recently received:

“I came to visit Wallington Smiles because I had heard really good things, and I needed an updated check-up to ensure everything was all good with my teeth! The staff were lovely and friendly; I had a very pleasant visit and left feeling good about my teeth and smile! :).”

We’re happy you found us! We hope that by now, it’s clear how much we care about your oral health. Our goal is for each patient to feel welcomed and comfortable to get back into smiling as soon as possible following treatment at our dentist. Call today or book an appointment online right away!

Preventive Care in Wallington

Preventive Care in Wallington

You should always start practising good dental hygiene from an early age! No one wants their teeth and gums to suffer the consequences of bad habits, which is why preventive care must begin sooner rather than later. You don’t want your smile to look unhealthy because you delayed taking care for too long; this can lead to problems such as tooth decay, causing bacteria to build up in spaces where they shouldn’t belong, leading to loose dentin (the layer underneath the enamel). Therefore, get started now, so we all maintain an excellent oral health routine.

Carrying out Preventive Care in Wallington for my Teeth

You might think that a regular toothbrush is enough to keep your smile healthy and safe, but you would be wrong. Investing in an electric brush will make sure gums stay fresh for longer by removing more plaque from the surface of teeth with its rounded bristles compared to standard ones. The most important thing to remember is that you should brush your teeth twice a day! Use toothpaste and fluoride. We advise flossing daily, which will help keep the loveable smile on display for years with regular visits from us at Wallington Smiles. Following this advice means attending health checkups or oral cancer screenings, so don’t forget about those appointments. Fluoride protects against cavities and helps prevent gingivitis (gum disease), halitosis (bad breath), and tartar build-up around wisdom teeth areas. Do you know that toothache or mouth ulcer you’ve been feeling lately? It could be a sign of gum disease, which is caused by poor oral hygiene. But don’t worry! We’ll take care to make sure your mouth stays fit for business with regular checkups from our dental team and us. To ensure healthy gums and pearly whites (and avoid costly treatments), we recommend avoiding tobacco products as well as excessive drinking habits; both can lead to serious medical problems such as cavities in the enamel on your teeth’s surface layer.

At Wallington Smiles, we offer comprehensive dental care services that help you maintain excellent oral health for decades to come! Preventive dentistry has never been more accessible. Call us today so our team can make recommendations and provide lifetime assistance by using their experience gained throughout these past years of working at this highly reputable practice.

Wallington Dentistry All-On-4

Wallington Dentistry All-On-4

Wallington Dentistry All-On-4 is the latest dental technology that will have your teeth repaired in just one day. You can enjoy reduced waiting time and pain, so you go back to life sooner!

How does the Process of All-On-4 Work?

A fixed bridge will be attached to your teeth on the day of Surgery. In some rarer circumstances, it can also happen that one or two missing tooth(s) are replaced with implants in their place before extraction if necessary. The placement and number depend mainly on what’s left at both the upper arch area and lower jaw. Usually, these decisions have already been made by then!

When it comes to dental care, our team is always available. We want you to have the best experience possible, so don’t hesitate to contact us if your teeth are bothering or painful! During step one of this process (the consultation), we examine not just what kind of treatment fits with your goal as well as X-rays if needed, which means no more worrying about painful procedures like extractions and implants until after all other options are explored first hand by meeting with our dentists.

What if I feel Nervous about the Surgery?

We’re happy to offer sedation services so that you can feel more relaxed whilst at the dentist. Our dental anaesthesia will put your mind at ease and allow for straightforward procedures during Surgery, such as placing implants or fitting an implant-retained bridge!

What is the Aftercare Process?

After a procedure like this, you may be wondering what to expect. Luckily for our patients who have undergone an implant replacement procedure at Wallington Smiles, they are supported throughout the entire process by experienced staff that can offer guidance and answer any questions along the way! A lot goes down during these types of procedures, which usually includes anaesthesia as well, but luckily, plenty knows precisely how best to provide relief once post-treatment discomfort or pain medication needs arise, so don’t worry because it’s all taken care of by experts waiting on behalf where your mouth is concerned, we won’t let anything happen without first consulting with you about everything until complete healing occurs.

Want a bright smile that will make you happy? Get All-On-4 dentistry near Wallington from the experts at Wallington Smiles. We guarantee secure procedures and trained experts to ensure your new teeth leave us feeling like we have done our best for any patient and you feeling the happiest in the world with your new and improved smile!

Composite Bonding in Wallington and How They Work

Composite Bonding in Wallington and How They Work

A smile is the first thing people notice about you, so it’s understandable how much individuals care for their teeth. You might be looking at some chipped or cracked enamel in need of repair; call Wallington Smiles today, and we can provide solutions tailored just to what you want to be done! Our experts are well versed in all aspects of dental Composite Bonding treatments like colour changes/shape alterations depending on your needs.

What is Composite Bonding?

Composite Bonding in Wallington is a procedure where tooth-coloured materials can be used for your teeth, changing either their size or shape. Unlike Veneers and Crowns, which require visits over multiple appointments for corrective treatment; Composite Bonding only requires one! It’s no wonder patients prefer the quick recovery time and many other advantages compared with other alternatives such as being cheaper than those treatments, especially considering how quickly you’ll get back on track after just one visit that includes all necessary work done at once without having to return trips.

It’s no secret that teeth can sometimes look like they need some work, but luckily there is an excellent way for people in Wallington to improve their smile without making massive changes. With Composite Bonding, you’ll get the benefits of both procedures.

Do you need dental work? At Horsham Smiles, we offer the most advanced and most popular procedures for people who want their teeth to look better! We can help with repairs around your mouth. This procedure will make all other areas cleaner but also helps stop future problems by filling any gaps between teeth before they become significantly worse. What’s more, not only does it give excellent results without causing as much damage or discomfort compared to alternatives, it provides several advantages over traditional techniques such as being faster and safer in certain circumstances.

Composite Bonding can be used for the following reasons:

  • Increase the length of shorter teeth.
  • Repair chipped or cracked teeth.
  • Improve the overall appearance of discoloured teeth.
  • Close spaces in between your teeth.
  • Protect the surface of the tooth root when it is exposed due to receding gums.

How can Composite Bonding be done?

Without teeth, you may be missing out on the essential part of your appearance. Maintaining good oral hygiene is necessary for a healthy smile and can help prevent tooth decay, gum disease, or other issues that could affect both mind and body! If you’re looking into Composite Bonding in Wallington to maintain those pearly whites, then come visit our dentist where we’ll take care from start to finish with nothing but success ahead.

Aftercare and Risk Factors for Composite Bonding

One of the advantages of having Composite Bonding in Wallington is that it does not cause pain or sensitivity. This means you can chew your food perfectly fine. However, we suggest avoiding ice cubes for now after treatment because they might damage newly repaired gums/tooth enamel from cold surfaces biting into them while healing with this cosmetic dentistry technique.

How Long Does Composite Bonding Last

With Composite Bonding, you can enjoy beautiful smiles for years and decades to come due to its long-lasting effects.

We are here to help restore your confidence and give you a smile of beauty once again! A few more days can make all the difference in getting new Composite Bonding. Get in touch with us today so that we may be there for when it matters most, restoring what was lost while giving our customers something beautiful waiting just beyond their reach. We at Wallington Smiles know how important this procedure is because they specialise in providing quality service and follow up until every detail has been covered, including personal attention.

Veneers in Wallington and how they can help you

Veneers in Wallington and how they can help you

Imagine a world where you can have perfect teeth without any dental work! Veneers in Wallington are quick and effective solutions for stained, chipped or crooked teeth. A veneer is custom-made from porcelain to cover one’s front surface of a natural tooth so that they appear opaque when light hits them at an angle – making it virtually impossible to see what’s underneath the layers.

You can make your teeth look and feel excellent with porcelain Veneers in Wallington! The front surface of one tooth is covered by recreating its size, shape or colour. You may choose to have the treatment applied for an improved shade on just one discoloured tooth but don’t worry because we’ll take care that matches perfectly within 24 hours; after it’s complete, you won’t even notice any difference.

What are the Benefits of Veneers?

Veneers in Wallington provide the most natural-looking finishes. With long-lasting cosmetic solutions for all types of dental needs, they will help you feel self-assured about what others see!

If you’re feeling self-conscious about your teeth, don’t worry! We offer Veneer treatments that give people an almost undetectable change over to newer, brighter versions without any pain involved. So call us today and start liking yourself again with these excellent procedures done correctly by our expert technicians who are always happy when they can help.

Porcelain Veneers are a quick and easy way to give your smile that much-needed makeover. They can be matched with any existing tooth colour or create the illusion of whiter, brighter teeth than before! And they’re also removable if you ever decide it’s time for another change in dentistry habits but don’t worry because porcelain is more durable than regular enamel, so there shouldn’t be as many issues when it comes to overall dental health over long periods.

You know what they say: beauty is in the eye of the beholder. With veneers, you can have a more natural-looking smile with lasting sturdiness and reap all these benefits at only half the effort!

Veneers are an easy way to change the look of your smile. They only affect what you see in front, so it’s gentle on sensitive gums and teeth enamel!

How are Veneers Fitted?

We can help improve your smile by removing some enamel to securely invisibly on top without changing its size or shape. This will ensure that we’re only using enough material so that they stay bright while also looking great from outside! There shouldn’t be any pain, but patients may receive a local anaesthetic before starting treatment if anything happens during your consultation, which worries you about discomfort.

You’ll have teeth’s impressions taken so that the perfect fit can be made.

Your smile is essential to you, so it should be treated as such. That’s why we always provide the best care for all of our patients’ teeth with Veneers! The first step in getting your new veneer set up and adjusted correctly will involve receiving an exam from one of our experts who can tell whether or not there are any problems before moving forward, but if something happens along the way like damage due to tampering by negligence habits? No problem at all, come back here anytime during dental hours (8 am – 6 pm Monday through Friday), where our staff will make sure everything looks perfect again just as soon as possible.

Veneers are a cosmetic treatment that can change the shape of your teeth to match what you want. Wallington Smiles has all of its staff trained in facilitation. They will be happy to guide anyone who needs their expertise for any information about this procedure or enquire whether it’s right for them, giving personalised services at every step along the way!

Dental Implants in Wallington and How Significant Healing Teeth Are

Dental Implants in Wallington

Dental implants are tiny, solid titanium alloy screws that replace damaged or missing teeth. They’re drilled into your jawbone so you can firmly connect them with an artificial tooth, for it is a strong anchor point of other prostheses like bridges and dentures, giving better support than manual ones do alone. Dentists use these stainless steel replacements after they drill down to the bone where Supported Fixed Prosthesis (SFPP) has been attached to improve chewing ability by giving added force when eating, preventing destructive biting motions.

Missing or broken teeth are one of the most common dental problems we see as a dentist. If you want to replace them, implants could be an option for your treatment! The Wallington team is here with support in providing removable dentures so that they can do more than sit on top; talk with us today about what options fit best for replacing all those gaps left by missing enamel.

Here are some assets to obtaining Dental Implants.


A dental implant is an excellent option for people who have lost or broken teeth. It will give you back your smile without anyone being able to tell what happened in terms of missing any teeth! This may seem like an attractive alternative since it doesn’t require surgery. Still, many benefits come with this solution, such as boosting confidence and self-image because patients no longer need to worry about their appearance. A single lost tooth often leads us into depression which causes significant emotional stress affecting other areas. However, replacing these losses can bring back our lives when we’re not even aware another has fallen out.

Oral Health: 

The importance of oral health can’t be overstated. If you lose a tooth, your remaining teeth will shift and tilt, causing abnormal chewing abilities that may lead to further problems with eating or speaking clearly if they interfere too much!

The Comfort: 

If you were missing one tooth, how would it feel if a hard piece of food came in between your root and base? Uncomfortable, to say the least. And this can happen almost every time we eat because there is no protection for these gaps when brushing or flossing!

Dental implants are a great option if you’re missing some teeth, but they must be done correctly for them to provide benefits such as a more extensive smile than ever before! Our dentist in Wallington knows their way around dental prosthetics. Our staff here work like family because we want everyone who receives one of these procedures to get top-quality care from highly qualified professionals.

Active Aligners in Wallington and What They Are

Active Aligners in Wallington

What are they?

Active Aligners in Wallington are a modern alternative to traditional braces. These clear aligners have been custom-made for your teeth and explicitly designed to treat crooked or misaligned teeth, gaps between them etc., without brackets! The 3D scanning technology ensures proper fitment so that shifting one’s mouth into optimal position becomes easy without discomfort at all times; no more yanking on wires while trying not to irritate existing wounds left by previous procedures you had done elsewhere on your body as well.

How do they work?

Wallington Smiles is the best place to get dental impressions. We can take them within minutes using 3D technology, and our customers love it because they know their treatment plan will involve only good things for you: no one likes an uneven smile, after all!

Your teeth will be Thermoformed! Once the scan is complete, your dentition gets heated up and moulded until it becomes pliable. The finished product cools into its desired shape for you to bite on later. Therefore making the desired, customised Aligners.

We understand that every mouth is different, so our materials come together to provide you with the best smile. Every treatment plan is unique, and we’re committed compliance officers for international quality assurance standards in all they do!

Why choose Active Aligners in Wallington?

Your teeth problems don’t have to stay a secret. With Active Aligners in Wallington, you can feel confident again and enjoy life with gorgeous teeth! Our discreet Active Alignment treatments are first-class treatment plans for everyone’s unique needs. They’re FDA approved, so there won’t be any metal on your frame.

You don’t have to be self-conscious about metal braces anymore! Active Aligners in Wallington works with clear aligners that are almost undetectable, and patients get the option of taking them off when necessary. We know we can make your teeth smile brighter again; after all, they’re only ours for as long as it takes us treatment.

The first step towards having straighter teeth? Visit Wallington Smiles.

Emergency Dentists in Wallington

Emergency Dentists in Wallington

When you lose or damage a tooth, don’t hesitate to call for help from Emergency Dentists in Wallington. We’re here at the ready when it comes a time that your teeth need attention! Our team will find out what happened and provide appropriate treatment as soon as possible, so speak with us today before things get worse.

Why do patients choose Wallington Smiles for emergency dental care?

Wallington is home to the best Emergency Dentists in Wallington and the surrounding areas. From toothache and broken or knocked-out teeth, Wallington Smiles offers a range of services to help with any emergency appointment.

Why put up with a mouth full of pain when you can have healthy teeth and gums again? You deserve it! Visit us today, where all our patients praise how friendly we make them feel. And what could be better than being treated by professionals who take their time to explain everything in detail, so there are no unpleasant surprises during treatment time. Many people in Wallington choose us because we’re kind and gentle, our dental treatments don’t hurt. Plus, with exceptional customer service as well!

When do you need an emergency dental appointment?

Imagine the pain of a toothache so intense that it feels like your mouth is on fire. If this has happened to you, don’t wait! Call Wallington Smiles today, and we will see what can be done for emergency appointments at our clinic located in Wallington.

Head Injury: If you have just had an accident and incurred damage to your mouth, it is essential to get emergency dental care right away. A delay in treatment can lead to complications like infections and permanent loss of functionality for speech or eating!

Avulsed Teeth: If you’ve lost your teeth, it’s time for an appointment with the dentist. Avulsed teeth cause excessive pain and injury to one’s hard palate when put under intense pressure from outside forces such as trauma or if they are knocked out entirely by surprise attacks.

Extruding Teeth: This happens when a person’s teeth move out of the commonly found position. It can happen quickly or over time and is often an accident-related issue with no warning signs beforehand.

Broken Tooth: Dental emergencies can be a very uncomfortable and scary experience, but luckily for you, there is help available. If your tooth is cracked or chipped, we will fix it so that the whole process goes as smoothly and painlessly as possible!

Severe Pain: For some people, the pain of a broken or extruded tooth can be painful. They may worry about what’s wrong with their teeth and want to visit our dentists for help because there might not be any physical symptoms associated with these types of injuries. However, it could still cause intense levels of suffering nonetheless! But before going through all this trouble, know that we here at Wallington Smiles provide quality services.

Wallington Smiles is here to help you! We’ve got a professional service that will be affordable for the rest of your family’s dental needs. Contact us today and let our team make it easy on everyone involved with their blessing, which could lead them into more than just good health.

Teeth Whitening in Wallington and How it is Effective

Teeth Whitening and How it is Effective

You can change the perception of your smile just by changing how it looks. If you’re looking for an easy way to brighten up those teeth, check out our blog on Teeth Whitening in Wallington and How it is Effective.

Your smile is more than just an expression of your personality; it also says something about yourself.

Every day you choose between a bright smile and the perfect amount of tooth colour. But what if there was an easier way? With Teeth Whitening in Wallington, all your hours in front of mirrors will be worth it! We’re here for you every step along this journey – even after results are seen so that anyone around knows how great being confident feels again!

Whitening your teeth can give you a dramatic and long-lasting smile change. We have the experience to get them looking as white as ever! Our team of experts will work with you every step along with gentle brushing sessions until we reach our goal so that no stain goes unnoticed.

Here are some benefits to Teeth Whitening and how it is so effective.

A Brighter Smile: Toothpaste might seem like a small change to make your teeth whiter, but the truth is that it’s not very effective and will likely disappoint you. Luckily there are other things out in the world, such as professional whitening services offered by dentists. They give significant improvements without much effort!

Enhanced Self-Esteem: Enhanced self-esteem is a thing of the future! We’re all striving for better selves, and what more could improve your sense of worth than giving back everything that has been lost.

Better Oral Health: Good dental hygiene is a necessity for our health. It prevents cavities, gum disease, and other mouth problems and stains from forming on your teeth, leading to severe issues later in life! With so many different types of products available today with promises as bright or white healthy-looking pearly whites, we know getting better oral care has never been easier than before thanks to modern technology like Teeth Whitening solutions which have made this process much more straightforward, making you look great.

Personalisation: Professional Teeth Whitening caters to each patient’s individual needs, making their teeth many shades lighter and tailored right down to how much they want in specific areas. If gum disease has got you feeling ashamed or unhappy about the way it looks when talking with others, then we’re here for you because our staff won’t judge anyone.

Long-Lasting Results: Long-lasting results are just a few hours away with the help of some tips from dentists and dental hygienists. They say that these durable procedures can last for years, making them perfect for your oral health and overall appearance!

There are many benefits to getting your teeth whitened by a dentist. Not only will they show you how it’s done, but before any treatment can be administered at our clinic, for example, a failing filling or exposed tooth root could cause problems because of exposure during treatments such as those offered here!

It’s no wonder that people are choosing teeth whitening over DIY kits, as it is a safe and effective way to make themselves feel better about the whole process. It also happens much faster!