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Dental Implants in Wallington

Dental Implants in Wallington is a treatment to replace missing teeth. Dental Implants have become highly popular for those who do not want to deal with dentures or loose fillings in their mouth. Wallington Smiles is an excellent place for Dental Implants due to its highly qualified dentists who will examine your mouth before continuing with any treatments.

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What are Dental Implants in Wallington?

Dental Implants are a dental restoration that replaces the natural tooth root. Dental Implants are made of titanium and contain no living tissue, so they do not require bone grafting to succeed. Dental Implants in Wallington offer patients an alternative to dentures or bridges that attach to adjacent teeth or cause other problems with neighbouring teeth over time. Dental Implants have been used successfully for decades, providing patients with a more permanent solution than traditional methods of restoring your smile!

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Advantages of Dental Implants

Dental implants are an excellent way to replace missing teeth, and they offer several advantages over other options. Dental Implants in Wallington can be used in place of removable dental prosthetics like dentures or partial dentures, as well as fixed restorations such as bridges or full-mouth crowns (caps) on the top front six teeth only. Dental Implant placement is surgically done by a dentist specialising in tooth replacement surgery. Which typically requires two appointments at least three months apart for initial procedures before restoration, with final abutments taking four to eight weeks for finishing touches if all goes smoothly the first appointment.

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Our emergency dentists are aware of the importance of oral health and can provide personalised, gentle and comprehensive patient care. We value your dental hygiene and use state-of-the-art equipment designed with safety.
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The demand for our general dentistry services is always quite high as we maintain all the standard protocols. You don’t have to worry about infection risks after undergoing our dental treatments.
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At Wallington Smiles, dental implants are much more than replacing your missing teeth. We give patients the confidence to smile.
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If you want to make your smile flawless and increase your self-confidence, get in touch with our dentists today for cosmetic dentistry.

Who are Dental Implants for?

The ideal candidate for Dental Implants in Wallington is someone with good general and oral health. Sufficient bone within your jaw is needed to support the Dental Implant, and the best candidates have healthy gum tissues which are free of periodontal disease.

How Painful are Dental Implants?

Many people worry about getting Dental Implants as they’re worried they will be painful. However, Dental Implants are usually pain-free, and there are many benefits to having them. Although the procedure may be a little uncomfortable, Dental Implants can help prevent further issues and discomfort.

You can enjoy natural flavours again; with less plastic covering the roof of your mouth, you can allow for the enhanced enjoyment of the textures and flavours of your favourite foods. So contact us today for further information on Dental Implants. We here at Wallington Smiles are happy to help in any way we can.

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